Kathleen's Page


December 31, 2009

Kathleen has changed quite a bit since the last update. She keeps Mom and Dad busy by crawling everywhere and she has learned several words and several more signs. She amazes us with her comprehension. Katie traveled the country this past summer and fall, visiting Oklahoma, Illinois, Ohio, and Maine by car. She even made a special trip to The Weather Channel!

Katie in a snowstorm
Katie in the December 18 snowstorm. We received 12.5 inches of snow at home.

Katie and Mommy
Katie and Mommy riding a tube in our backyard during the December 18 snowstorm.

Chris, Elaine, and Katie at The Weather Channel
Chris, Elaine, and Katie at The Weather Channel on October 23, 2009.

Katie in a chair Katie and Mommy on Christmas
Katie sitting in a small chair on Christmas Day 2009. Katie and Mommy on Christmas Day 2009.

The family at Christmas
Katie and her parents on Christmas Day 2009.

Katie and her grandparents and great-grandparents
Katie and her grandparents and great-grandparents on Christmas Day 2009.

Katie picking blueberries
Katie picked blueberries off the Blue Ridge Parkway on August 29.


At some point, hopefully soon, we will paste together our weekly pictures of Elaine as she grew with Kathleen.