Weather and Society

Reading Assignments

Berkely Earth Surface Temperature: Economist (a recent article from The Economist, available on Moodle)

Berkely Earth Surface Temperature: Watts (a recent post by Anthony Watts about the same subject, also available on Moodle)

Please come to class ready to share some opinions on both of these pieces of literature.

Multiple Failures Caused Relief Crisis - This is a BBC News article originally published 7 September 2005

FEMA chief says pre-staging is key to rapid disaster response - This is a Government Executive article published October 25, 2011 (available online here)

A Failure of Initiative: Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to Investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina - This is the executive summary of the U.S. House Katrina report

Hurricane Katrina: A Nation Still Unprepared - This is the executive summary of the U.S. Senate Katrina report
Please read through page 17 (up to "Recommendations") and skim the rest.

You can find all of these articles posted on Moodle.

Gigerenzer, G., R. Hertwig, E. van den Broek, B. Fasolo, and K. V. Katsikopoulos, 2005: A 30% chance of rain tomorrow: How does the public understand probabilistic weather forecasts? Risk Analysis, 25, 623–629.

Once again, pay attention to the writing style, the layout of figures and tables, and how the authors refer to other studies.

Wood, V. T., 2007: Impact of severe weather on people with hearing loss. Weather and Society Watch, 1, No. 4, 2–11.

The Wood (2007) article starts on page 2 and continues on page 7. Make sure you find the right article!

You can find both articles posted on Moodle.

Old Reading Assignments

Pennesi, K., 2007: Improving forecast communication: Linguistic and cultural considerations. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 1033–1044.

You can find this article posted on Moodle. Pay close attention to the writing style, the layout of figures and tables, and how the author refers to other studies. Come to class prepared to discuss the content of the article.

Fear, Panic, and Survival
Saved by a mattress
The eeriest experience of my life
Tuscaloosa tornado experience

Please print each article for reference during the class discussion.