Vector Graphics


Vector graphics use points, lines, curves, and polygons to construct a scalable image. Try zooming in as much as possible on the figure in this PDF document drawn with vector graphics and prepared in LaTeX. In contrast to raster graphics, notice how you can scale the image to any size without degrading quality.

There are several formats for vector graphics. Some common formats include the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) language (also see SVGBasics tutorials), Adobe Illustrator (AI), PostScript (PS), and encapsulated PostScript (EPS). My experience with applications in meteorology leads me to believe that EPS graphics would be the most beneficial to learn about here, but others have had some success with the newer SVG format. The benefit of SVG is that a browser can render it directly. Let's go ahead and learn about PostScript first and then you can make your own SVG and/or EPS graphics for station plots. Before we begin with EPS, let's start by learning about plain PostScript.

Editing PostScript

Start by downloading onto Blizzard. Type the following at the prompt: gv & If something happens, then you have a program called GhostView in your path and you may skip to the next paragraph. If instead you get gv: Command not found. then you need to make a few changes to your setup. A .cshrc file tells Blizzard which commands to execute when you log in. You can customize your session by adding commands to this file. If you do not already have a .cshrc file in your home directory (test this with ls -la), then please contact me for instructions. If you already have a .cshrc file in your home directory (you should!), simply add the path to your gv program and source .cshrc. Then try gv & again. (Note to UNC Asheville students: The proper commands should already be in your .cshrc file. If not, please contact me.)

Ignore any errors that show up in your terminal window by hitting Enter. Be sure to scroll down in the GhostView window to see the graphic! Now open in a text editor to see the PostScript commands. (If you ever used an Apple IIe, you may notice that the basic idea of drawing with these commands is not that different from Apple Logo.) Now grab applestar.eps and view the file with both GhostView and with a text editor. The only difference between and applestar.eps is that the first line of has been replaced by %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
%%BoundingBox: 85 0 475 400
and the showpage command has been removed. The file applestar.eps is an encapsulated PostScript file. The BoundingBox specifies the region beyond which nothing gets rendered and contains the lower-left and upper-right x and y coordinates. You can locate the coordinates for a BoundingBox by moving the cursor in the GhostView window of your .ps file and looking in the top left corner of the GhostView window. Encapsulated PostScript files work beautifully when embedded within document preparation software such as LaTeX. The American Meteorological Society prefers EPS formatted figures in manuscripts submitted for publication. You can create or view .eps files in programs such as IDL, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, and several others. Importantly, the Matplotlib library for Python can also create beautiful plots as native .eps files.

Now edit applestar.eps with a text editor and see if you can make something interesting. You can use this Summary of PostScript Commands as a reference. A First Guide to PostScript provides a nice introduction and tutorial. The PostScript tips at Prepressure include help with rendering PostScript and dealing with errors.

Modifying Generated PostScript

Sometimes you may find it useful to modify PostScript output from a program. Let's use a program called gnuplot to accomplish this. At the Linux prompt, try the following: gnuplot
gnuplot> plot cos(x)
gnuplot> set term postscript eps color
gnuplot> set output 'cos.eps'
gnuplot> replot
gnuplot> quit
Use gv cos.eps to view your plot and then open it up in a text editor. Because this is generated output, it's a bit more complicated than applestar.eps. Open cos.eps with a text editor and scroll to the end of the file where you will see lots of lines like 64 -397 V You won't find V in the PostScript tutorials, so what does it mean? Near the top of the file, you will notice that V is defined as a shorthand way to write the "rlineto" command with /V {rlineto} bind def At the top of the file, you will notice that several other shorthand definitions appear here as well. For example, the LT0 command is defined by /LT0 { PL [] 1 0 0 DL } def and describes the RGB colors (1 0 0 or bright red in this case), among other things. Now you can modify your plot in the following ways:

  • Change the color of the cosine wave by changing the RGB colors in the LT0 definition
  • Comment out the legend with a % symbol
  • Adjust the width of your line by inserting 30 setlinewidth right after the second LT0 command.
  • Change the font size in the line (Helvetica) findfont 140 scalefont setfont, noting that the font is scaled by 0.050 0.050 scale.
  • See what dashed lines look like if you try plot sin(x),cox(x) within gnuplot.

Converting PostScript Graphics to Raster Graphics

You can use ImageMagick to convert your PostScript graphics into raster graphics for display on a Web page: convert applestar.eps applestar_alias.png
convert +antialias applestar.eps applestar_noalias.png
Compare the size of your new files with ls -l *.png and then open both images with eog and look at the subtle differences. Note that the +antialias option, described in ImageMagick Command-line Options, actually turns off the antialiasing. Antialiasing softens corner regions by blurring colors a bit and creating the appearance of a smoother transition. The resulting raster image uses more colors and therefore becomes a bit larger.

MetPy and Python 3.x

MetPy is a collection of tools in Python that are specific to meteorological applications. I have installed MetPy on Blizzard, but these tools will only work with Python 3. Therefore, I have created a separate Anaconda distribution that we can manage easily. To use this version of Python, add the following line to the end of your .cshrc file located in your home directory: setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/anaconda3/bin To access Python 3 without logging out and back in again, enter this at the Blizzard prompt: source .cshrc This sources your .cshrc file, which is a list of commands that will run when you first log in. You have just told Blizzard to look in this location for any executable programs. Now you can access the Anaconda distribution of Python 3 with python3 If this opens up a python prompt with Python 3.7.6 (or later), then you're all set!

You will notice a few differences between Python 2.x and Python 3.x. As I mentioned in the Python tutorial, the most consequential difference that you may notice is with the syntax of print statements.

Plotting METAR Observations

snow For your assignment, you will create station plots of METAR observations, much like what you would see at RAP Real-Time Weather Data or the WPC Surface Analysis, using MetPy. To begin, grab via wget within a suitable directory on Blizzard. Run the program with python3 or, for a shorter method, first change the file permissions with chmod 755 and run the program with ./ Ignore any warnings that pop up and note that you need to have an open X11 tunnel (i.e., start Xming before running the program). This program creates a simple map of station plots, without wind barbs, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: A simple map of surface observations (without wind barbs!). Click on the map to view a larger version.

I borrowed much of this code from the Unidata developers, so you will see their comments interspersed with mine. Carefully read the comments within For credit, make the following changes:

  • Zoom in on the southeastern United States and adjust the density of the stations to add as many points as possible without overcrowding the map.
  • Add wind barbs to each station plot.
  • Change the units to plot all temperatures/dewpoints in degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Add gridlines.
  • Add a pretty basemap using a Web Map Service (WMS).
  • Make high-resolution state and international borders. Make sure you add the edgecolor='black' and linewidth=0.5 arguments to ax.add_feature for your states or they won't show up!
  • Add a title that automatically includes the date and time of the observations.
  • Save the figure as a scalable vector graphics (SVG) file directly from this script.

Post your program and your final SVG file to your password-protected Web page. Your finished product might look something like Figure 2 below. Click on the map to see the original SVG image. In your browser, hit Ctrl-+ (Ctrl and the + key) to zoom in. Notice that the elements in the image remain crisp no matter how much you zoom in!

Figure 2: Surface map depicting observations across the southeastern United States.


You can read about METAR code in Surface Weather Observations and Reports. The National Weather Service JetStream - Online School for Weather has a great resource for interpreting surface weather plots, where you can learn all about station plots.

You will find the Cartography and Mapping in Python tutorial very helpful as you learn to add gridlines and make high-resolution borders and backgrounds. Note that the NASA URL for Web Map Services (WMS) can change, so you may need to visit the top-level NASA URL outlined in this tutorial to find a new WMS URL. Additional information on background layers is in this Exploring What's New in Cartopy tutorial. NCAR has another example showing how to use Matplotlib with Cartopy when working with WRF data. Directions for using the Cartopy Feature Interface may be useful as well. Lastly, Python's datetime module will be helpful as you format the date for your title. Pay particular attention to the strptime() and strftime() functions.

For reference, here is the old assignment from 2009–18.

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