Comparison of estimated hourly data and actual observations for the entire year of 1985 (no lapse rate correction)

Tests of the kriging estimates indicate that the procedure will work well for estimating meteorological variables over large temporal gaps. The table below shows the scalar accuracy measures after estimating hourly data over the course of an entire year (1985) at both the Asheville Regional Airport (AVL; station 03812_723150) and Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro (GSO; station 13723_723170). Data from these two stations were removed from the spatial interpolation procedure so that the estimates remain independent of the observations at these locations. Note that the final estimates for precipitation will most likely derive from a nearest-neighbor interpolation. It is important to recognize that the scalar accuracy measures are compared hour by hour and do not account for small-scale spatial discontinuities, such as fronts or a precipitation swath moving across the state. Therefore, it remains critical to analyze the time series of the observations compared with that of the estimates. Please view the time series for each meteorological variable at both Asheville and Greensboro.

Mean error (bias)
	Variable       03812_723150     13723_723170     
	  tair  	  -0.7043 	   0.3915 	 (K)   
	  dewp  	  -0.0231 	   1.8412 	 (K)   
	  wspd  	   0.9658 	   0.4873 	 (m/s) 
	  prec  	   0.0273 	   0.0103 	 (mm)  
	  cloud 	 -19.2025 	  -5.7189 	 (%)   
Mean absolute error
	Variable 	  03812_723150     13723_723170     
	  tair  	   2.1258 	   1.7246 	 (K)   
	  dewp  	   1.9116 	   2.2120 	 (K)   
	  wspd  	   1.9412 	   1.1161 	 (m/s) 
	  prec  	   0.1584 	   0.1466 	 (mm)  
	  cloud 	  29.5299 	  22.4713 	 (%)   
Mean squared error
	Variable 	  03812_723150     13723_723170     
	  tair  	   7.1258 	   4.9542 	 (K2)
	  dewp  	   6.1528 	   8.5969 	 (K2)
	  wspd  	   6.0379 	   2.0071 	 (m2/s2)
	  prec  	   0.3907 	   0.4907 	 (mm2)
	  cloud 	 1612.5118 	 977.0484 	 (%2)   
Root mean squared error
	Variable 	  03812_723150     13723_723170     
	  tair  	   2.6694 	   2.2258 	 (K)   
	  dewp  	   2.4805 	   2.9320 	 (K)   
	  wspd  	   2.4572 	   1.4167 	 (m/s) 
	  prec  	   0.6250 	   0.7005 	 (mm)  
	  cloud 	  40.1561 	  31.2578 	 (%)